Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How Happy I am!

     Today is beautiful! I went to institute and we are learning the New Testament about Jesus Christ and about his life and ministry.  It brought so much peace and happiness into my day.  Than I go into get a physical for my EMT class and realize how blessed I am to be healthy and I have nothing to worry about.  I take my health for granite a lot of time.  Than I get home and turn on this song which totally made my day! It is by Kyle Andrews called "You always make me smile".  It has such a catchy beat and just happy.  I wish people in life would realize how life is a blessing. 
    Last night I got to talk to my little sister Jenni who is such a joy. For the last few months we have been arguing a lot but I decided to try hard to love her and make her feel good.  High school is hard and she is going to be a freshman.  We were going to watch a movie but instead talked for three hours long about life and how it is hard but so fulfilling.  I told her of my love for her and want her to be able to come to me if something happened.  I told her, I have been through high school and know more than she might think I do.  Because she thinks I have never made a mistake and my life is perfect.  It was just a nice conversation all together.

1 comment:

  1. I love you, Kim! You are such an amazing girl! ♥ I'm excited to read more of your thoughts! (This is Aunt Emily by the way - I have a book reveiws blog. :)
